The board

The board of TiGeAk.

The board of TiGeAk consists of the chairmen of various associations of Tilburg University. They all represent a cluster, so that every association can be heard. Every association is part of a cluster and will be kept up to date via their cluster head. They can also discuss topics in that cluster and think together about a solution. In this way, each association has the opportunity to be heard and all associations can act as one. Meet the board members of TiGeAk below.


Hi everyone. My name is Kim Hanegraaf and this year I am the chairman of the Legal Faculty Association Magister. I am also a member of the board of TiGeAk and a representative of the Law cluster. I also fulfill the role of chairman within the board of TiGeAk. I lead the meetings and maintain close contact with the various entities within Tilburg University, such as the Executive Board and Facility Services. Together with the rest of my fellow board members, we as TiGeAk represent the interests of all association board of Tilburg University.

Hi! I am Tom Hoogesteger, and this year I am the chairman of UniPartners Tilburg and part of the TiGeAk board as vice-chairman. I will represent the Work & Internship cluster. As Vice-chairman of TiGeAk, I am responsible for the organisation and coordination of the Awareness Week. If you have any questions regarding the Work & Internship cluster or the Awareness Week, don’t hesitate to ask!

Hi everyone! I am Jaimy Hobo, this year the chairman of the FOSST Sports Council and secretary within TiGeAk. I take minutes of the meetings and am responsible for the mailbox. I represent the sports cluster within TiGeAk. As a result, I am involved in all matters regarding student sports and the Sports Center. You can always contact me if you have any questions or want to know something!

Hey! I am Franka de Buck, the treasurer of TiGeAk this year. As chairman of Asset | SBIT I represent the economic cluster. Within TiGeAk I am responsible for financial matters. Do you have any questions? Feel free to send me an email, I’ll be happy to help you!

Hi! I am Ella Malka and this year I am the chair of Study Association Flow, I am also part of the TiGeAk board. As a board member of TiGeAk I represent the cluster Humanities. Within the TigGeAk board I will fulfill the function of Public Relations. My primary responsibilities include maintaining the TiGeAk website and managing the narrowcasting screens you’ll come across on campus. If you ever have any questions or need assistance with these aspects, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!  

Hi Hi! I am Koen Smits, and this year the chairman of the TSB faculty association IDEA. I am also part of the TiGeAk board in the role of ‘Student Council’. In this role I am responsible for the ‘behavorial’ cluster, which includes study association Complex, POLIS, INPUT and Versot. I also coordinate the responsibilities surrounding the sixth floor of Tias, where study associations are located.

Hi, I am Cas Bogaers, chairman of the TOP Foundation. I am also a member of the TiGeAk board, in which I represent the Culture cluster. Within TiGeAk I have the role of Internal Relations. I am responsible for maintaining the TiGeAk Instagram and organizing TiGeAk end-of-year party. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!


Contact TiGeAk, or the head of your cluster: